Address 2.12 PPC



Total Received2.12 PPC
Total Sent0 PPC
Final Balance2.12 PPC
No. Transactions25


PQo5uCbeiWda11efLan8QiqMfmR6Tt7oYh9.86163 PPC ×
PWinStuffaGJ2EMcK4LTZ6ULtpmmwAYCHh0 PPC ×
OP_RETURN (As? Df? )0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.00244 PPC
6713 Confirmations9.86163 PPC
PWinStuffaGJ2EMcK4LTZ6ULtpmmwAYCHh0 PPC ×
OP_RETURN (Hello Marius)0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.00248 PPC
6897 Confirmations6.163739 PPC
PWinStuffaGJ2EMcK4LTZ6ULtpmmwAYCHh0 PPC ×
PLjnRWV6ooarkBXwvLesCPoV3mf3FN62q50.033348 PPC ×
OP_RETURN (Happy belated 10th Birthday Peercoin 😀😄😆)0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.00285 PPC
155549 Confirmations0.033348 PPC
PMA4MfZZLpsZT63rcTYZ14y4YdicjDKtkU0.09567 PPC
PWinStuffaGJ2EMcK4LTZ6ULtpmmwAYCHh0 PPC ×
OP_RETURN (Good project - All joking aside, I love the enthusiasm of the team and find the whole proof of stake concept fascinating. My daughter is also a massive fan of tardigrades and would love a plushie.)0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.00433 PPC
156561 Confirmations0.09567 PPC
PCS3YsZPxkMRiZx8hH7ohqUkUYpbTsnf731.89437 PPC
PWinStuffaGJ2EMcK4LTZ6ULtpmmwAYCHh0.1 PPC ×
Fee: 0.00225 PPC
156565 Confirmations1.99437 PPC
PWinStuffaGJ2EMcK4LTZ6ULtpmmwAYCHh0 PPC ×
PXLPvDpvP6GkLXmFgBs423ogXkDoz1tMQF0.99725 PPC ×
OP_RETURN (Congrats to Peercoin! Good luck to all!)0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.00275 PPC
156677 Confirmations0.99725 PPC
PWinStuffaGJ2EMcK4LTZ6ULtpmmwAYCHh0 PPC ×
PEHRk5cy3yUtN2C7XzYcA2fRziM8UgfYxf109.99626 PPC
OP_RETURN (Hail a decade old POS crypto peercoin!)0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.00274 PPC
156797 Confirmations109.99626 PPC
PWinStuffaGJ2EMcK4LTZ6ULtpmmwAYCHh0 PPC ×
PHQvjZ7qtkePkBgj8DjDseHHKkHvLiaaHZ2.88026 PPC ×
OP_RETURN (happy 10 years proof of stake)0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.00265 PPC
156947 Confirmations2.88026 PPC
PWinStuffaGJ2EMcK4LTZ6ULtpmmwAYCHh0 PPC ×
PT2jdbn3krKRKgRVvcduZ5FUUPKF6dKJTC13.36744 PPC
OP_RETURN (I love water bears!!)0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.00256 PPC
158356 Confirmations13.36744 PPC
PWinStuffaGJ2EMcK4LTZ6ULtpmmwAYCHh0 PPC ×
PGfP2zR3GEGx1n185mP42TcJFRifE5BaXZ0.777756 PPC
OP_RETURN (Hoping I win because so I can brag about it)0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.00279 PPC
158536 Confirmations0.777756 PPC
PWinStuffaGJ2EMcK4LTZ6ULtpmmwAYCHh0 PPC ×
PPZdxp1AYXc6tU4KNiC6RQs3qFhANQkUFh0.99513 PPC
OP_RETURN (I worked hard for Peercoin! So the tardigrade should be mine)0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.00296 PPC
158544 Confirmations0.99513 PPC
PWinStuffaGJ2EMcK4LTZ6ULtpmmwAYCHh0 PPC ×
PQYW5ErCFrJJ8hqr9XSAZ4dvT1rK5xuix917.98618 PPC
OP_RETURN (Peercoin is the best! Save money and save the earth!)0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.00288 PPC
158729 Confirmations17.98618 PPC
PWinStuffaGJ2EMcK4LTZ6ULtpmmwAYCHh0.01 PPC ×
PLuqmQxyfydSSPAG6jawAZMmoT2f4YJvac9.95451 PPC
OP_RETURN (Our news app will be using PPC. Go green!)0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.00278 PPC
159890 Confirmations9.96451 PPC
PWinStuffaGJ2EMcK4LTZ6ULtpmmwAYCHh0 PPC ×
PJwqcWJ6uBUqTtPYaqyhajg39jrZuYMqvx9.9971 PPC
OP_RETURN (a drunk guy at a festival told me i would win 🍺😄)0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.0029 PPC
160109 Confirmations9.9971 PPC
PWinStuffaGJ2EMcK4LTZ6ULtpmmwAYCHh0 PPC ×
PHk2wdss6Lb8KZWp8dDPAbQFXhHGxDtrHq582.97742 PPC ×
Fee: 0.00258 PPC
160226 Confirmations582.97742 PPC
PWinStuffaGJ2EMcK4LTZ6ULtpmmwAYCHh1 PPC ×
PXkiS52w1utgR5fapEjGVKegvWwzbG5wrV98.99695 PPC
OP_RETURN (My wife said I can't come home until I bring her that Tardigrade toy.)0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.00305 PPC
160757 Confirmations99.99695 PPC
PWinStuffaGJ2EMcK4LTZ6ULtpmmwAYCHh0 PPC ×
OP_RETURN (i am most active member of peercoin discord group. i always have fun on peercoin blockchain. )0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.00775 PPC
160830 Confirmations0 PPC
PWinStuffaGJ2EMcK4LTZ6ULtpmmwAYCHh0 PPC ×
PXvep1DTqwQMFnZJqJzhcD76AEenf94REQ4.19673 PPC
OP_RETURN (I want to win because the House of Peercoin should have more things related to Peercoin :))0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.00327 PPC
161212 Confirmations4.19673 PPC
PWinStuffaGJ2EMcK4LTZ6ULtpmmwAYCHh0 PPC ×
PNRZSHxH5FLCXkDUbL1RoPqjZTTxydntHy17.98906 PPC
Fee: 0.00263 PPC
161218 Confirmations17.98906 PPC
PWinStuffaGJ2EMcK4LTZ6ULtpmmwAYCHh0 PPC ×
PWuquLESd8XhJvqZoia13RhZBpwqKNaUVU17.99169 PPC
Fee: 0.00284 PPC
161372 Confirmations17.99169 PPC
PWinStuffaGJ2EMcK4LTZ6ULtpmmwAYCHh0 PPC ×
PFbGjdycGzhpHMZfq5Z1SzCLBTgoDQ6hjj1.97936 PPC
OP_RETURN (This stuff toy would be great present for my baby niece! And stickers for me <3)0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.00316 PPC
161382 Confirmations1.97936 PPC
PWinStuffaGJ2EMcK4LTZ6ULtpmmwAYCHh0 PPC ×
PEKzod4RMD6hnk3pY2f4aRmpCduJk4okCj1.98252 PPC
OP_RETURN (This box would be great inspiration for future desings ;) )0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.00294 PPC
161382 Confirmations1.98252 PPC
PWinStuffaGJ2EMcK4LTZ6ULtpmmwAYCHh1 PPC ×
PKPZCuUDNUe5EFntzYZnsPfp4SqHBZQJaW111.984092 PPC
OP_RETURN (Just Found out I am going to be DAD. I got my gift :))0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.00289 PPC
161384 Confirmations112.984092 PPC
PWinStuffaGJ2EMcK4LTZ6ULtpmmwAYCHh0.01 PPC ×
P9zMa3s8dSVW4Lpeks3mnQfWcjhRo5dF7v112.986982 PPC
OP_RETURN (Good Luck Peercoin community. )0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.00266 PPC
161384 Confirmations112.996982 PPC
PWinStuffaGJ2EMcK4LTZ6ULtpmmwAYCHh0 PPC ×
PU7jbNuv4J2pEskSdYDoLmeKhpVR2Vo4DS1.6541 PPC
OP_RETURN (Have fun! )0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.00246 PPC
161675 Confirmations1.6541 PPC